Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Should Accounting Rules be Global Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should Accounting Rules be Global - Essay Example The multinational companies have been required following the systems and accounting standards followed in the various economies of their operation for the preparation and reporting of financial statements. The companies have also faced difficulties in explaining their financial position to the investors due to the difference in the accounting systems in different countries that reflects various financial situations of the business (Basu, 1997). A globalized accounting system requires the establishment of harmonious accounting standards such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that can help the users of accounting information to apply the same rule during preparation and interpretation of the accounting information. Various companies have gradually engaged in the establishment of "accounting standards that can be applied in more than one country" (Heidhues & Patel, 2012, p. 39). Some of the factors that influence the accounting system of the economy could be broadly categorized under the country’s historical origin, socio-economic demands, culture, institutional environment and many non-accounting factors such as values and beliefs (Gaffikin, 2007). These factors are different for every country. Also, the accounting systems of the countries vary from one another. The recent cause of suggestion for establishment of uniform accounting standards has been the expansion of businesses into the international economies (Gaffikin, 2007, p. 3). Having uniform global accounting standards will help businesses to compete effectively and compare the performances of affiliate businesses across the globe using standard information. The variation of accounting standards has affected number of sectors of the economy that require harmonization of accounting standards to make them operate smoothly (Zimmerman & Werner, 2013, p. 117). The operation of capital markets is affected by accounting principles since

Friday, February 21, 2020

Fire Fighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fire Fighting - Essay Example Thirdly, Madrzykowski explores fire dynamics and discusses different case studies on fire dynamics. He brings forth different fire scenarios and how development and progression of fire are influenced by different factors. For instance, ventilation influences the progression of the fire. In a closed compartment, heated gases mix with oxygen resulting in a flaming combustion. However, as the oxygen gets depleted, the fire decays. The heat emitted from the fire decreases and consequently the temperature decreases. When oxygen is introduced into the compartment, either through the opening of a window or a door, the heated gases mix with the oxygen and as a result, the energy levels begin to rise. Such a change in ventilation can lead to a flashover. Lastly, Alkonis and Madrzykowski discuss training on fire behavior and organizational change in the management of fires. To enhance safety and survivability, they recommend the application of water as soon as possible, limiting the opening of doors and windows, closing all doors and windows, identification of fire location, extent and characteristics of the smoke as well as identifying and interrupting the flow path. Importantly, the process of firefighting needs to be a well-coordinated effort with proper communication among team members (Kerber, Madrzykowski, & Alkonis, 2015). In summary, NIST and UL’s research has revolutionized firefighting and introduced change in modern day fire service. Undoubtedly, the changes are likely to stay for generations to come.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS LEADING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO BECOME UNVIABLE - Essay Example In particular it discusses the different ways in which policy is specified in different tenures and the extent to which implementation depends upon administrative allocation mechanisms. It concludes that up to the present time the shift in emphasis is more one of rhetoric than of reality and, more fundamentally, that the forms in which current policies are implemented bear very little relationship to those suggested by analysis of basic principles. Thus the curetn study goes some what deep into the policy regulations with respect to each Housing Act 2004, and how the regulations are failing at different level to meet the affordability. The research considers Hosuing price as main relative to affordability and also intends to observe the mortage and interest rates governed by regulations. The study intends to follow qualitative historical study to derive the hypothesis of the study. To address the issue a comprehensive review of a range of different data and information sources, including academic publications, research reports and government publications, was undertaken. A number of intellectual disciplines were covered in the review: economics, management and business studies, regeneration and housing, psychology and behavioural studies. Early on it became obvious that there was an overall lack of research and information on asset-building in general and more specifically, on the UK Housing policy. The research accessed and reviewed literature and data from the UK, where the majority of research on regulations framed around the affordable housing and the articles that illustrates the opinion of the different stakeholders on the impact of those regulations. Literature for this review was identified through a range of searches. This included Internet searches of key websites and searches on databases covering academic references, practice and professional journals, national and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Lorem Ipsum Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lorem Ipsum Paper - Coursework Example Nulla ac arcu non augue congue pulvinar. Sed ut libero lacus, vel varius nisl. Phasellus sit amet tempus nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris eu magna ipsum, quis vehicula ante. Nam blandit blandit arcu ut faucibus. Donec erat velit, vehicula vel fringilla at, pretium nec dui. Aenean velit mauris, fermentum vitae sagittis eu, elementum eu nisl. Pellentesque nisi velit, cursus non sollicitudin ut, euismod eu odio. Fusce ultrices lorem vel nibh volutpat ac pulvinar sem pretium. Aliquam scelerisque aliquet ipsum, vitae luctus turpis rutrum vel. Proin eu lectus velit, vitae aliquam elit. Etiam in massa quam. â€Å"The name ’Bluetooth’ reflects the Scandinavian origins of the technology1. It is named after a 10th century Danish viking, King Harald Blatand (translating as 'Bluetooth' in English). He united and controlled Denmark and Norway, hence the association of uniting devices through Bluetooth. Legend has i t that he liked eating blueberries - so much that his teeth became stained with the colour of the fruit, giving rise to his name!† (Stucken, 2010) Sed euismod, ipsum pretium congue fermentum, nibh est blandit lacus, a venenatis magna mi eget nibh. Mauris accumsan, dui vitae aliquet dapibus, enim dui vestibulum velit, vel rhoncus metus urna sed neque. Quisque rhoncus lorem at felis blandit vestibulum interdum erat pellentesque. Donec eget felis nisi, et feugiat turpis. Sed vitae velit sed augue lobortis consequat. Mauris at euismod dolor. Etiam condimentum ullamcorper faucibus. Vivamus viverra, metus sit amet porta pharetra, augue diam molestie erat, in euismod turpis lacus non enim. Mauris eget sapien orci. Praesent sit amet nibh dui. Phasellus non dignissim lectus. Fusce faucibus erat et mi varius rhoncus. Equation 1: Population mean 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi scelerisque, turpis sit amet rutrum porttitor, dui elit pulvinar augue, quis ve hicula eros massa non augue. Duis ac tellus at nulla consectetur viverra. Fusce vehicula mauris eget dolor molestie tincidunt. Duis sollicitudin sem vel dui malesuada facilisis. Suspendisse convallis auctor risus, eget mattis ipsum eleifend sit amet. Maecenas dictum dui at metus suscipit scelerisque. Donec sed est eu neque dictum gravida sed vitae tellus. Maecenas vitae nisl eget justo ultrices ornare. Vivamus lectus elit, ultrices in cursus in, malesuada ac tellus. Ut vel fermentum sem. Maecenas ullamcorper odio vitae justo consectetur tristique. The technology, named after a 1000 year old king of Denmark, is one of its kinds (Mitchell, 2012). Curabitur blandit, nunc eu ornare pulvinar, eros urna auctor nisl, nec ornare dui ipsum id tellus. Morbi lobortis congue diam at imperdiet. Phasellus tempus tincidunt justo id feugiat. Proin sit amet nisi lacus, vel facilisis turpis. In molestie sagittis ullamcorper. Donec at dui erat. Donec luctus interdum malesuada. Ut tincidunt sollicitudi n massa quis suscipit. Suspendisse quis augue eget mi aliquet ornare at vitae est. Mauris lobortis turpis pharetra metus commodo sed viverra neque facilisis. Curabitur lobortis dolor dui, sed semper nisl. Pellentesque condimentum quam et erat imperdiet ultricies blandit est rutrum. Ut pulvinar augue in velit pellentesque ornare at quis ligula. Curabitur vitae molestie lacus. Nunc interdum orci nec nulla tincidunt consectetur. Vivamus scelerisque accumsan quam, et suscipit mauris rutrum id. Proin malesuada, lacus nec